10 Best Practices for Using GovWin IQ to Find and Win Government Contract Bids

October 13, 2022
 Government Contract Bids

Smart businesses selling into the public sector know that they need more than just short-term, perishable bids and RFPs to succeed. They understand the importance of utilizing data on past, present and future government contracts to better leverage the competitive landscape and to build a long-term, sustainable sales pipeline.

If your business subscribes to Deltek’s GovWin IQ product, you already know how our industry-leading platform of government contracting intelligence helps your business discover opportunities before they go to bid in the form of expiring term contracts, forecast pre-RFP intelligence, and planned, funded projects. But you might not know how many ways GovWin IQ can fully support your business throughout every stage of the government contracting lifecycle.


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Below we have compiled 10 best practices that your team can use once you subscribe to GovWin IQ to ultimately increase your chances of finding and winning more relevant government contract bids.

  1. Leverage Your Customer Success Manager (CSM) Your GovWin IQ CSM is here to assist you navigate the platform, to provide custom research support, and most importantly, to answer any questions. Contact your GovWin IQ CSM today to request monthly or quarterly usage reports from your CSM and to ensure your subscription is being utilized fully.
  2. Utilize GovWin IQ Training Support GovWin IQ subscribers are able to take advantage of live training with their CSM, watch support videos accessed from the GovWin IQ Support tab and Deltek Learning Zone, and access helpful guides in the guide center on the GovWin IQ homepage.
  3. Set up Saved Searches Save searches to receive new GovWin IQ content including opportunities, contracts, and Task Order Awards in your mailbox daily or weekly. Spend time working with your CSM to set up the right filters for your searches. Tip: Keywords and Smart Tags are more accurate than NAICS codes because they are more representative of all the requirements in a given opportunity.
  4. Mark Opportunities Save opportunities of interest to ensure that updates are pushed to your email.
  5. Set Aside Time Daily/Weekly to Review GovWin IQ Information Mark time on your calendar each week to go through your GovWin IQ search emails and opportunity updates.
  6. Share Content with Your Team Share searches, opportunities, contracts, company information, points of contact, agency information, labor pricing, and task order data with other members of your team to make the best pursuit decisions possible.
  7. Take Full Advantage of GovWin IQ’s Teaming Capabilities Edit and update your Company Teaming profile in GovWin IQ. Each user should also create their Personal profile. This will enable users to be visible for teaming purposes, list themselves as potential vendors, and contact other members of the GovWin IQ Teaming Network. Advertise your interest on relevant opportunities to help your team find teaming partners.
  8. Utilize GovWin IQ Research Support GovWin IQ’s team of research analysts are here to provide analysis and reports to help you succeed in public sector sales. That can mean preparing for meetings with agencies and/or potential partners, educating your staff about spending and budgeting trends, finding teaming partners or understanding how your competition operates.
  9. Provide Government Practice Stakeholders with a Login Be sure everyone who is part of your team has a login, including business development, sales, marketing, strategy, program managers, senior management and more! They should use the parts of GovWin IQ that will make them more effective in their day-to-day duties.
  10. Sign Up for Market Alerts Keep tabs on your competitors and customers using Market Alerts. Sign up to receive notifications when companies win contracts or subcontracts, agency profiles are updated, contracts and task orders are about to expire, and organization charts are updated – all of which will get you on the road to beating your government contracting competition.

Ready to join the thousands of government businesses – of all sizes, across the country – that are putting these best practices into action? Try GovWin IQ for free and see how the leading market intelligence platform can help you win more federal, state, local, education and Canadian government contracts.