Smarter Business Development: Pairing Analyst Expertise with Artificial Intelligence in GovWin IQ

July 10, 2024
Logan Ferro
Logan Ferro
Product Marketing Manager
Pairing Analyst Expertise with Artificial Intelligence in GovWin IQ

Artificial intelligence (AI) is fundamentally changing how the world works and business development in the public sector is no different. GovWin IQ from Deltek is the only market intelligence solution built and backed by a team of industry experts and market analysts that combines its expertise with the time-saving efficiencies only AI can provide.

Whether it's generating smart content, predicting project success or facilitating intelligent exploration, Deltek Dela™, our AI-powered business companion, is designed to meet the unique needs of project-based businesses throughout our suite of purpose-built solutions. By reducing tedious research-driven tasks and automating historically manual processes with Dela, GovWin IQ is helping government contractors achieve greater business development efficiency and productivity throughout their go-to-market processes. Every moment counts in business development - and these AI-enabled enhancements will help users get to the next stage of their pursuit workflow faster than ever before.

The Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in GovWin IQ

When used together, GovWin IQ's AI-powered features help our users gain efficiencies throughout their business development lifecycle ranging from searching for opportunities, identifying the best-fit leads, understanding the competitive landscape or identifying teaming partners, and lastly, understanding the documents in immense detail shaping their go/no-go strategy.

With AI-powered enhancements to GovWin's robust database government contractors are able to maximize the partnership between AI and market analysts to make our content database more accessible, actionable, and most importantly, maintain accuracy.

GovWin IQ now offers a collection of time-saving features that support business development throughout the contract lifecycle. These features include:

  • Smart Search: Simply describe what you’re looking for and run a search with AI-applied filters.
  • Smart Tags™: Ensure you’re using the same language as government agencies with our analyst-backed ontological system.
  • Smart Fit Scores: Instantly identify best-fit opportunities, top competitors, or potential best fit teaming partners based on historical contract awards.
  • Smart Summaries: Instantly generate executive briefings of the most important data for analyst-tracked opportunities, government agency profiles, federal contract awards and task orders.
  • Ask Dela: Get answers to your questions served up to you without spending hours digging through pages of massive PDFs.

This valuable set of features delivers users the ability to quickly glean answers to their most important questions with the ability to drill down into the data that sits behind the AI-generated outputs to make the best-informed decisions for your business's growth. By arming teams with automated tools that get them to that next step more efficiently and the ability to leverage research support whenever an expert is needed, your team can spend their time on the revenue-generating activities only they can deliver on.

Smart Search – Natural Language Search with AI Technology

The newest enhancement to IntelliSearch, Smart Search for Opportunities, is a natural language search that leverages AI technology to translate phrases and keywords to AI-applied filters. Many users know what results they're looking for but don't always know how to get to that result. By enabling users to search by simply describing what they're looking for, and further refining those searches on the results page, GovWin IQ makes creating searches more accessible and efficient than ever. Start with a phrase or a suggested search and fine-tune it as needed with additional filters and suggested filters to serve up what you're looking for.

 Smart Search

Smart Search not only is helpful in creating new searches but also learns from your existing Saved Search collection and makes recommendations based on your search parameters. Suggested searches learn from your saved searches to help you find the most relevant results for your business by considering things like place of performance, NAICs, Smart Tags™, and more.

Smart Fit Scores – Easy Identification of Quality Leads

Gain visibility into best-fit leads, the competitive landscape, and potential strategic teaming partners with Smart Fit Scores. Qualify best-fit opportunities easier and more efficiently than ever before based on some of the most influential scoring criteria: NAICs, Smart Tags™, Opportunity title and summary, history with an agency, and place of performance. With at-a-glance scores, users can quickly build a pipeline of leads based on their award history.

Beyond lead identification, users can leverage Smart Fit Scores to view other top-scoring companies to help them understand the competitive landscape. By identifying what companies score highly, users can proactively reach out to agencies and differentiate their core capabilities to influence requirements. Conversely, use that same information and visibility to identify strategic, high-scoring teaming partners on opportunities of interest to build relationships with confidence.

Smart Fit Scores are based on several attributes and factors:

Smart Fit Score Breakdown

Smart Fit Scores are available for all U.S. subscriptions and can be found in Tracked Opportunities, SAM details, Lead Alerts, Contract Awards, Bid Notifications, Search results, and My Inbox. Scores are based on historical contract award data requiring five reported awards since 2018.

Smart Tags™ - Simple Explanations of Complicated Projects

With language variances for the same thing, it can be hard to know you’re identifying your total addressable market of opportunity. Smart Tags™ are an exclusive analyst-powered classification schema that bridges the language gaps between agencies and vendors. Behind the scenes, Smart Tags™ review the context of a project using a unique set of rules that determine the proper categorization of a project – even if there are misspellings and nondescript titling allowing the right opportunities to be served up without too much noise interfering with search results.

 Smart Tags

Smart Summaries – Concise Executive Briefings of Market Insights

What previously required hours of manual research and tedious data collection is now effortlessly delivered with the click of a button in real-time in the form of clear, concise executive briefings. GovWin Smart Summaries leverage generative AI technology to create a natural language synopsis of key data sets that feed into analyst-tracked opportunities, government agency profiles, federal Contract and Task Order Awards.

Smart Summary

Summaries capture the most important details for each data set:

  • Analyst-Tracked Opportunities: Scope of Work, NAICs, Funding/Contract Value, Procurement Timeline, Latest Analyst Update, Competitive Landscape, Existing Contracts & Task Orders, Related Opportunities, Related Documents, Related Pricing Resources (federal-exclusive), and Related Contract Documents
  • Government Agency Profiles: Top Contractors & Spend Categories, Top Contract Vehicles & Purchasing Methods, Use of Small Business & Small Business Programs, Recent Contracts & Task Order Awards
  • Federal Contract & Task Order Awards: Trends in Revenue, Trends in Expenditures, Top Bid Categories, Top Contractors, Recent Contracts
  • SLED Bid Notifications & Lead Alerts: Scope of Work, Classification, Procurement Timeline (bid-exclusive), Contract Year (lead-exclusive), Budget by Year (lead-exclusive), Contact, Competitive Landscape, and Related Documents

Users can easily identify quick learnings before diving into further research and easily share summaries with their team by email, PDF, or copy/paste.

Ask Dela – Assistive Search of Dense Documents

Whether you’re looking for a document summary, highlights, key dates or something extremely specific, Ask Dela can assist you in your go-to-market planning efforts. Ask Dela allows users to interrogate dense government documents like solicitations, amendments, and much more to identify answers to their most nuanced questions instantly.

GovWin IQ houses over fifteen million government documents in our library, including solicitation documents, amendments, bid tabulation/bidders lists, budget documents, capital improvement plans, meeting minutes and much more. With the ability to search single documents or Zip files, users can stop searching through 100+ page files with keyword searches and instead simply ask the questions they want to answer.

Ask Dela Example

Better yet, if you have a list of common questions you can paste in multiple questions at a time and define how you’d like the output to be delivered, summaries or bullets, for example. By limiting the search to the document in question, users can trust the outputs are pulled from a localized source versus the variety of input from a third-party service.

Popular questions might include:

  • What are the evaluation criteria?
  • When are proposals/questions due?
  • Will there be oral presentations?
  • What's the value?
  • Is there a clearance requirement?
  • Is a subcontracting plan required?
  • Is this set-aside?
  • Is CMMI certification required?
  • What’s the XYZ budget in this budget document?

As users glean the answers to their questions, they can easily copy, print, or save the outputs for use in their business development strategies.


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