Revolutionizing Government Contracting with Industry-Leading AI Solutions Tailored to Meet Our Customers' Evolving Needs

March 14, 2024
Todd Walker
Vice President of Product Management
Revolutionizing Government Contracting with Industry-Leading AI Solutions

The excitement surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable, as its capabilities surpass being merely a trend or an emerging technology. With recent advancements, AI is reshaping life and work by offering enhanced efficiency and personalized experiences – even within the government contracting industry. As AI evolves, it becomes more integrated into our everyday lives and business operations, fundamentally altering how we interact with technology and unlocking new possibilities.

For government contractors who are dealing with a myriad of complex processes and procedures, AI can benefit their business in several ways: 


Increased Automation & Efficiency:

The first and most traditional way is through increasing automation and efficiencies. AI can streamline and automate various tasks and business processes for government contractors. This impact includes automating everyday tasks for contract and project management, accounting, procurement, accounts payable/accounts receivable, human resources and manufacturing operations.


Improved Decision-Making:

The second way is by improving decision-making capabilities. By analyzing large datasets, AI can provide government contractors with valuable insights for decision-making, including bidding on the best-fit opportunities and determining resource and subcontractor requirements. In addition, using predictive analytics to forecast trends, costs and potential risks associated with government contracts, AI can aid in better planning and resource allocation.


Reduced Risk:

AI can also support government contractors in reducing risk. AI assists in identifying and mitigating risks in government contracts by analyzing historical data, assessing potential risks and recommending strategies to minimize the impact of unforeseen events. This means that adopting AI can lead to future cost savings by reducing manual labor, minimizing errors, predicting outcomes and prescribing recommendations. 


The possibilities for contractors to reengineer and optimize their business processes have the potential to free up valuable resources and lead to significant cost savings, which will serve as a competitive advantage in today’s market.

Implementing AI Responsibly

With so much opportunity also comes the need for accountability. Security, trust and data privacy will continue to be imperative for adopting AI in the government contracting space. On October 30, 2023, The White House issued an Executive Order on the Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, designed to establish a government-wide effort to guide responsible development and deployment of AI across industry.

As part of this effort, the White House aims to address ethical considerations, data privacy, regulatory, security and potential biases generated from generative AI (GenAI) capabilities, which is expected to eventually become regulation in the FAR and DFARS. As such, government contractors and their enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendors should consider the steps they can take to prepare for these requirements.    

As an industry leader, Deltek is strategically implementing AI into our purpose-built GovCon solutions while maintaining a focus on security and governance. These priorities are always top of mind for us, which is why we’ll continue to partner with enterprise-level GenAI solution providers that meet the needs of the government contracting industry. 

Incorporating AI Into Our Industry-Leading Solutions

As AI continues to evolve, so have the use cases for incorporating this innovative technology into our solutions. In 2020, we introduced Hey Deltek to Deltek Costpoint, which leveraged Natural Language Processing (NLP) to help users perform tasks and engage through voice commands. We also launched our first AI capability that same year with the release of Costpoint 8.0 − making Deltek one of the first adopters of AI capabilities by a government contracting ERP solution provider. 

As part of our 8.0 release, we embedded IBM Watson AI into the Costpoint Business Intelligence (BI) solution. This innovative feature allows government contractors to leverage a digital assistant with NLP to analyze large data sets and generate a narrative around trends with visual aids to support strategic planning or identify when a project is at risk or over budget.

Last year, in our Costpoint 8.2 release, we continued to expand our use of AI with additional enhancements to our AI assistant in Costpoint BI, which gives users smarter insights into their performance, including real-time cost data, to make better business decisions.

Also, in 2023, we introduced GenAI-powered Smart Summaries for GovWin IQThis enhancement makes the go-to-market process even easier by organizing high volumes of data and distilling it into an executive summary that can be easily shared. With this new capability, Gen-AI helps make tedious data collection and synopsis effortless by delivering clear, concise executive briefings for Federal Agency Profiles, Federal Contract Awards and state, local and education (SLED) Government Profiles with the click of a button.

New Capabilities

With our latest Costpoint release, we've expanded Hey Deltek, which includes a new GenAI-powered digital assistant designed to make government contractors even more productive and efficient. Ask Dela allows end-users to ask questions about contracts or projects and receive data-driven answers, initiate follow-up communications regarding overdue tasks, or conduct risk assessments on a particular project—allowing users to make more informed and quicker decisions.

But that’s not all; this latest release also uses GenAI to generate Contract Smart SummariesTM in Costpoint, reducing the time it takes users to report a contract status. The summary includes commonly requested information like contract name, anticipated contract value, primary customer, period of performance, contract and funded value, target revenue, target percent complete and subcontractor list and value.  

In the latter part of 2024, we will further expand our Costpoint GenAI capabilities through subsequent product updates to improve user efficiency. This includes soliciting context-based assistance for completing routine business processes and obtaining support for frequently asked questions, utilizing information from the Costpoint Online Help, Knowledge Base articles and real-life data.

Evolving the Costpoint user experience continues to be a key investment priority for Deltek, and GenAI will be an integral part of our plans for the future.


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Looking to the Future

We have a responsibility to our customers to stay at the forefront of industry and technology trends and ahead of other government contracting ERP providers. To do this, we constantly evaluate new and emerging technologies to make our users more productive while ensuring they are positioned to win new business and deliver on their contractual and compliance requirements.

When we combine the power of AI with our industry-specific ERP and market intelligence solutions, we create efficiencies by automating tasks and decision-making that change how government contractors work. Artificial intelligence reduces the time spent entering data, searching for answers and avoiding problems, allowing users to be more productive and focus on strategic activities for their project-based business.

From evaluating support for regulatory requirements and forecasting trends, costs and potential risks associated with contracts to recommending actions, transactions and decisions for a particular project − the potential for further transformation with GenAI in the government contracting ERP space is endless. 

Deltek’s commitment to innovation backed by dedicated teams for research and development, data science, data privacy, security and compliance will ensure we push the AI needle. As a trusted partner of more than 40 years, we will continue to monitor the unique requirements of the government contracting industry so that our customers can take full advantage of future capabilities in GenAI.