GovWin IQ Product Updates: Enriched Federal Org Charts, Opportunity Manager Search Upgrades, and More
Deltek is constantly upgrading our GovWin IQ product to continue to provide the best possible experience for our clients. We’ve just released three new upgrades to our platform of market intelligence that will help businesses succeed in government contracting – a redesign of our Federal Organization Charts, the addition of responsive design, and significant updates to the Opportunity Manager product.
Federal Organization Charts
A recent update within the GovWin IQ platform is our redesigned Federal Organization Charts, which help you navigate the complicated relationships and bureaucracy of the federal government.
GovWin’s updated Federal Organization Charts allow you to navigate up and down the reporting hierarchies within a department or office, zoom in and out to focus on the relationships you need, and customize the entire contact and reporting hierarchies within a department or office that you are interested in. Contact data (including names, titles, reporting relationships, phone numbers, and email addresses) is provided for more than 2,000 federal organizations, encompassing 10,000+ key government contacts.
The new design also helps make planning your government business strategy easier and more effective. Not only are you able to use Federal Organization Charts to search for people, titles, or keywords to quickly find who you’re looking for, but you’ll also receive notifications when an organization chart is updated based on employment changes within an agency. Plus you can download charts in a PDF format that you can take with you and use in presentations.
“With all the legwork that GovWin does, talking to contractors around the country and various agencies, they develop the information that we would’ve had to spend a lot of time and legwork to develop.”
Opportunity Manager
Are your task order notices being distributed to your internal units and partners effectively? Are they being acted upon? Most importantly - are you winning when you decide to bid?
GovWin Opportunity Manager now allows you to quickly answer these questions and determine your bid, response, and win rates for task order vehicles on the fly. On all search results pages within Opportunity Manager, you will find dynamic analytics to measure the health and effectiveness of your task order pipeline. Plus, you now have more control over your email notifications, giving them the appearance and customization that you need.
Responsive Design
Another new improvement to GovWin IQ is the implementation of responsive design. Now, when you access GovWin IQ on your tablet or mobile device, the platform will automatically adjust the website to provide the best possible user experience, no matter whether you’re using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone.
Users of GovWin IQ will be able to experience these exciting new features upon logging into their GovWin account. Not yet a subscriber? You can still get a look at what you’re missing.
Click on the link below to request your free trial of GovWin IQ. With GovWin IQ, not only will you be able to more effectively manage your task order pipeline and better navigate the bureaucracy of the federal government, you can get the most comprehensive federal, state, local, and education market intelligence available anywhere, and use that to help your business win more government contracts.
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