Harnessing AI: Boosting Small Business Productivity & Efficiency

April 29, 2024
Michelle Chipollone
Michelle Cipollone
Vice President, Product Marketing
Small Businesses

Small businesses face many challenges. Limited resources, budget constraints and a lack of manpower can make it difficult for them to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape. However, one technology that can level the playing field for small businesses is artificial intelligence (AI).

While AI has existed for years, its popularity has soared in the last 24 months with the introduction of generative AI (GenAI), a subset of AI that has propelled its capabilities into public view. This evolving technology is changing how we live and work and is reimagining how business gets done. 

According to a recent study, 91% of small businesses using AI say it has made their business more successful. By incorporating this innovative technology into existing business processes, many small businesses are streamlining their processes, enhancing their customer experience and gaining a competitive edge.

From analyzing data to customer service inquiries, AI can handle routine tasks more efficiently than humans, freeing up time for employees to focus on more strategic initiatives. It also has the power to provide valuable insights and analytics that can help small businesses make more informed decisions. Additionally, AI technology can enhance the customer experience by personalizing interactions and providing tailored recommendations.

It's clear that AI is no longer a luxury but a necessity for small businesses looking to thrive in today's dynamic business environment. As AI continues to evolve; small businesses have an opportunity to harness its potential and unlock new possibilities for growth and innovation.


Unlock the Power of AI

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Innovative Small Business Solutions

Whether you are a small government contractor or a growing professional services firm, we understand the importance of maximizing efficiency and enhancing productivity with limited resources. That's why Deltek offers a portfolio of innovative solutions tailored specifically for small businesses.

Purpose-built with innovative capabilities – including AI – Deltek offers tools and resources to overcome industry challenges and achieve important business objectives. Our small business ERP products and solutions grow with your business’ needs, allowing you to make better-informed decisions while meeting your compliance requirements.

With Dela, our new AI-powered intelligent business companion, we’re revolutionizing how businesses operate and modernizing the role ERP solutions play. Born out of purposeful innovation, Dela fuels the AI capabilities found in our industry-leading solutions that cater to the unique requirements of project-based businesses.

By harnessing the power of AI, Dela unlocks transformative benefits for powering project success. Here are some of the ways Dela can help you maximize your potential:

  • Generate & Automate Smart Content: Dela creates succinct business summaries using AI and machine learning to access vast amounts of data and extract valuable insights that empower decision-makers.
  • Predict Project & Organizational Success: Dela predicts future success by leveraging machine learning to analyze past project performance and resource utilization that helps inform processes and business needs.
  • Enable Intelligent Exploration: Dela’s digital assistant finds information, performs tasks and engages users through natural language to enhance productivity and efficiency.

While we're just formally announcing Dela, many of the AI capabilities that power Dela have been improving our customers’ business processes for the last several years. From natural language processing to machine learning and GenAI, Dela enhances productivity and the user experience across our product portfolio.

Supporting small businesses is something that Deltek does every day, and with Dela by your side, we can help you to adapt, evolve and grow with the power of AI.


Technology Innovation with a Purpose

Reimagining project success with Deltek Dela

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Trust Your Small Business to Deltek

The right technology partner can make all the difference in small business success. Deltek enables more than 10,000 small businesses with the tools and resources to help increase their performance and boost productivity and revenue.

Our industry-specific software adapts and evolves with the needs of growing companies, providing the security, privacy and flexibility small businesses need while empowering their remote teams with an accessible, reliable platform.

Discover how Deltek small business solutions help you connect and automate the projects that fuel your business growth. Subscribe to our Inside Deltek Project Nation newsletter and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.