Specpoint General Distribution Products Expanded to More Deltek Spec Applications

December 06, 2022
Denise McDaniel
Product Marketing Manager
Creative Meeting In the Office

Evaluating and selecting the right building products for any construction project is a critical task. Numerous product criteria need to be taken into consideration such as: durability, aesthetics, standards, installation, and overall product quality. With so much riding on product selection decisions, having a consistent and comprehensive product information resource, allows you to efficiently evaluate and select the best products for your project. Deltek understands how important the product selection process is to your project and now gives you access to more resources to help you make the best product decisions.

More Product Information at Your Fingertips

Deltek Specpoint—home of AIA MasterSpec®, delivers over 50,000 product listings, including AIA MasterSpec approved products and Specpoint General Distribution products—so you can confidently research, select and specify the right products to produce high-quality building projects. But what if you are in process of adopting Deltek Specpoint and still using Deltek’s legacy specification products, SpecBuilder Cloud or MasterWorks? How can you easily leverage Specpoint’s wealth of product information during this transitional stage?

Deltek is now publishing Specpoint’s General Distribution building products to the legacy specification products, SpecBuilder Cloud and MasterWorks. Sharing Specpoint’s General Distribution products to SpecBuilder Cloud and MasterWorks enables users to easily access Specpoint’s abundance of product information as they migrate to Specpoint.

What are General Distribution Products and How to Access Them?

Deltek recognizes the value of MasterSpec approved products, but also acknowledges there are numerous high-quality products, A&E firms specify, that do not meet MasterSpec criteria.

MasterSpec approved products must achieve explicit criteria. For example, the difference between a MasterSpec and a General Distribution product might be the product is only available regionally, while MasterSpec requires national availability as one of its criteria. Another example is around testing standards. Products may be tested to European standards that meet or exceed U.S. standards, but MasterSpec requires testing to U.S. standards.

General Distribution products are building products that have been fully vetted by Deltek’s team of licensed A&Es and align to an existing AIA MasterSpec family/section and Product Type. General Distribution product information will be visible via Paragraph Builder, which is accessed through MasterWorks in the MasterSpec Word documents, as well as in SpecBuilder Cloud. To view General Distribution product listings in MasterWorks Paragraph Builder, please update MasterWorks to the latest version 7.5.51 and clear your cache.

How will General Distribution Products Help Me?

To bring your designs to life, you first must research, select, and specify the right building products. The General Distribution product resources provide A&E firms with more product insight to make better informed product decisions. Sharing Specpoint’s General Distribution product details through MasterWorks in the MasterSpec Word documents, in addition to SpecBuilder Cloud, will enable you to:

  • Have visibility into more building products at a regional level to help augment product evaluations.
  • Access Specpoint’s high quality General Distribution product information within your existing Deltek specification tool, such as SpecBuilder Cloud and MasterWorks to make the best product selections.
  • Expand your knowledge of available building products to assist in the transition from Deltek’s legacy specification products to Specpoint.

Deltek is Committed to Your Specification Needs

Deltek is committed to delivering the most comprehensive building product resources to A&E firms to support your projects. Sharing Specpoint’s wealth of product information with Deltek’s legacy specification products is one more way we are supporting your product specification needs.

Stay in the know about the latest Deltek Specification Solutions by registering to attend the Q4 Deltek Specification Solutions Customer Town Hall to be held on December 13, 2022 at 2:00 PM (EST).


Deltek Specification Solutions

Q4 Customer Town Hall

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