Enhance the Integrated Proofing Process with Deltek WorkBook

December 08, 2022
Regan Riddoch
Director of Product Marketing
Colleagues working late in an office

When it comes to delivering the creative product on time and on budget, the ability to accelerate the review and approval (R&A) proofing process is a crucial component to maintaining efficiency and avoiding costly bottlenecks. That’s why the latest release of Deltek WorkBook includes valuable enhancements to improve the integrated online proofing experience.

In addition, as Deltek maintains our pledge to continually improve WorkBook’s overall user experience, version 13.3 includes features and enhancements that give offices within a network greater flexibility to choose revenue recognition methods, while giving the finance team more control and efficiencies.

Take the Integrated R&A Experience to the Next Level

  1. Job Level Review Redesign 
    This feature gives users greater visibility from the WorkBook Job into which reviews are part of a Review Chain, including showing Asset thumbnails, and iconography updates. Now Project Coordinators can easily see all the relevant information about a Review in the side panel, which makes it easier to assess progress and keep assets moving through the process.
  2. Job Level Review Redesign

  3. Task Level Reviews 
    Basic Users (most often Creatives) don’t have access to the Jobs module and don’t have visibility into the details of a Review from their perspective. By introducing Reviews at the Task level, Creatives can now see the pertinent details of a Review from the Task Card, which makes it easier for them to accomplish their assigned responsibilities. 
  4. Task Level Review

Give Your Finance Team More Control and Efficiencies

  1. Access Control for External Approval of Price Quotes
    Users can now designate certain users who can set a Price Quote status to “Externally approved.” This brings greater governance, segregation of duty and control over job budgets and their approval status. 
  2. Email Statement of Accounts to One or Multiple Clients
    With this feature, users can send client account statements to one, multiple or all clients directly from the Debtors section of the Finance module. Now when emails are created in draft and need to be sent to the “Invoice email” contact on the debtor record, they can be sent directly out of WorkBook with no need to create individual PDF reports and attach them to emails.
  3. Support for US 1099 NEC Submissions
    To support the submission of 1099 forms in the United States, this version of WorkBook includes a data extract that can be used with a third-party product, 1099 PRO.

Give Network Offices Flexibility to Choose Revenue Recognition Methods

In this release, the System variable that controls the method of Revenue Recognition has been converted to a Company variable, allowing this control to be applied at the Company level rather than the System level. This allows different offices under the same headquarters or network to choose which method of Revenue Recognition they want to use and gives offices within the network greater autonomy to manage their finances as they choose rather than as the network dictates.


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