What is a Feedback Summary?
A feedback summary is a generated PDF document that captures all feedback given on a Project, Asset, or Review in ConceptShare. You can think of it as a PDF printout or a snapshot of the proofing work-space or a everything in a project at the time it was generated. One typical use-case in many integrations is to automatically generate a feedback summary and save it when the review or a project is completed. The project or review can then be deleted in ConceptShare so that storage and resources are freed, and most importantly, private and potentially sensitive customer data is purged from ConceptShare servers after it’s no longer in use. This is a good security practice, and we recommend cleaning up after completed projects as part of a good integration design. A feedback summary PDF can be generated manually by the user directly within ConceptShare, or programmatically via the API.
How to generate a Feedback Summary via API?
To generate a feedback summary, you’ll use the GenerateFeedbackSummary API endpoint. In order to use this endpoint, you must first define its FeedbackSummaryOptions. For example, do you want the feedback summary emailed to the recipient(s) or downloaded? Do you want it generated for a single review or for an entire project? Do you want only the final revision of assets, or all subsequent versions leading up to the final version as well? You can see the options for generating a feedback summary surfaced in the ConceptShare UI below.
To set these same options via the API, as previously mentioned, you will make use of a FeedbackSummaryOptions object. This class encapsulates several sub-classes which correspond to the options shown in the above images. You will need to instantiate these options as shown in the code sample below, and then customize them to suit the business case.
Sample Code
// define the FeedbackSummaryOptions
private FeedbackSummaryOptions feedbackSummaryOptions;
// define the initialization of the FeedbackSummaryOptions
private void InitializeFeedbackSummaryOptions()
feedbackSummaryOptions = new FeedbackSummaryOptions();
feedbackSummaryOptions.AssetOptions = new AssetOptions();
feedbackSummaryOptions.SummaryOptions = new SummaryOptions();
feedbackSummaryOptions.FeedbackEmails = new EmailReport[0];
feedbackSummaryOptions.AdditionalMetaData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
feedbackSummaryOptions.FeedbackOptions = new FeedbackOptions();
feedbackSummaryOptions.FeedbackFilters = new FeedbackFilters();
// at this point, you can set values for the above option parameters
feedbackSummaryOptions.DeliveryOptions = DeliveryOptions.Download;
feedbackSummaryOptions.SortFeedbackBy = FeedbackSortType.DateCreated;
InitializeFeedbackSummaryOptions(); // initialize the FeedbackSummaryOptions
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