How Deltek’s Solutions Empowered JPE Design Studio’s Project Teams

October 18, 2022
customer story jpe design studio

An interview with Matthew Thomas, Director, JPE Design Studio

A design practice needs the freedom and flexibility to focus on its primary objective, delivering projects for its clients. Long-established businesses with a diverse range of expertise can often struggle with how to efficiently share project data and information.

JPE Design Studio knows this only too well. Founded in 1851, it is Australia's oldest architectural firm, with a diverse portfolio of projects across the commercial, education and public sectors covering architecture, interior design, landscape architecture urban design services.

As the company grew, so did its challenges with how it managed project information and data. Project managers needed quicker access to a growing store of information but found a single source of truth hard to find due to bottlenecks and complex workarounds.

In need of a solution that would empower its teams and give a clearer overview of project finances and performance, JPE turned to Deltek – a “game-changing” move, says Matthew Thomas, Director at JPE.

We spoke with Matthew to hear more about why the company chose Deltek Project Information Management (PIM) and Deltek PIM Project Accounting, as well as explore the benefits experienced.

Wanted: Rapid Access to Vital Project Data

Before Deltek, JPE used a customized system built by a former Director to manage and share project information. As a Chartered Accountant, and one of the company’s few employees without a design background, Matthew found himself as the go-to person for project reports.

“Designers are visually oriented – they don’t want to spend much time digging through data. But with the old system, I would first have to extract the data and then manipulate it in Excel to be able to create reports. The business was relying on me rather than having this information readily available for project leaders.”

Initial plans to develop the system into a marketable solution were never realized and when the Director left the company, Matthew realized it was time for a change. “It was quite risky having a solution based on Microsoft Access. And while it had been great for a time, JPE had certainly outgrown it.”


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One Comprehensive Solution

The company needed something that could provide easy but secure access to project communication like emails and documents as well as key financial data. After scouring the market for solutions, JPE decided to partner with Deltek.

When asked why JPE opted for Deltek PIM and Deltek PIM Project Accounting, Matthew confirmed that “There were a few solutions that did elements of what we were looking for, however Deltek offered the most comprehensive solution.”

Improved Efficiency and Communication

Since implementing the Deltek system, JPE employees have found it much easier to share information. One of the biggest benefits is a vastly improved way of storing and locating emails. “We used to lose a lot of time just trying to find which email was where,” Matthew explains.

Project managers now have more confidence in being able to accurately plan and track project resources – without relying on Matthew’s input. “It’s removed me as the gatekeeper or provider of information for project reports,” he says.

It isn’t just JPE staff that benefit from Deltek PIM and Deltek PIM Project Accounting – there have also been advantages for the company’s clients. “Having all of that information in one place and to be able to easily share it with clients where needed has made collaboration much easier.” And with a clearer window on the current and future status of its projects, JPE’s project managers can now also give clients more accurate and realistic timelines for deliverables.

“Ultimately, with a more overarching, all-encompassing system in the studio, JPE’s project leaders now have more ownership over projects,” Matthew confirms. “It’s safe to say Deltek’s solutions have really made a positive difference across the business.”

Deltek Solutions: Three Key Benefits So Far

Since implementing Deltek PIM and Deltek PIM Project Accounting, JPE Design Studio has enjoyed numerous benefits including:

1. Easier access to project information

“Emails are such a large part of how we communicate now. Having a better way of storing, tracking and searching them is probably the biggest benefit.”

2. Improved resource planning

“From the project pipeline perspective, we now have more confidence in knowing what's coming up and how we’re going to resource it. Deltek’s solutions give us much better information than we used to have around that.”

3. Potential for growth

“Project Information Management allows us to scale the firm, not just locally but potentially interstate, which is important to our business.”

Improve Access to Vital Project Information

Deltek Project Information Management is the one source of truth for corporate and project information. As JPE will testify, one of the best ways to empower teams is by providing easy access to the latest versions of emails, documents, and drawings.

Available as a standalone solution or an integrated module with Deltek PIM, Deltek Project Accounting delivers vital financial data to those team members who need it most.


About JPE Design Studio

JPE Design Studio is a well-established design Practice based in Adelaide offering architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and urban design services. They have been innovating since 1851, delivering projects that positively contribute to the built environment through thoughtful and quality design.



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