Get Paid Faster and Improve Cash Flow with Deltek + ComputerEase and Deltek Payments

May 18, 2022
Michael Heinsdorf
Product Alliances and Corporate Development

As a project-based construction firm, you know how important it is to keep a sharp eye on cash flow to stay afloat.

And as a Deltek + ComputerEase customer, you also know how the user-friendly job costing accounting, project management, and payroll services software helps you connect and automate the project lifecycle that fuels that cash flow.

But getting customers to pay you quickly so you can then pay your suppliers in a timely manner is a delicate balance that your accounting team spends all their time trying to achieve.

With Deltek Payments for Deltek + ComputerEase, you can digitally transform your cash flow process by leveraging the only construction industry focused software that streamlines inbound and outbound payments through integrated AR and AP automation.


Modernize Your Payments Process

Learn More About Deltek Payments


1. Get paid faster and improve cash flow

  • Deltek + ComputerEase customers are now able to easily accept digital payments (ACH or e-check, credit, or debit) through a customizable payment portal.
  • By accepting digital payments, you can eliminate reconciliations and reduce days sales outstanding (DSO) to improve cash flow.


2. A single source of truth

  • Deltek Payments seamlessly integrates with Deltek + ComputerEase to streamline your AR and AP processes and provide visibility on all payments from a single place.
  • Deltek + ComputerEase users who use this integration will find it easier to collect payments from general contractors, subcontractors, owners – basically anyone involved in construction, and have those payments sync back to your ERP, automatically reconciled against a customer and invoice.

3. Provide a modern experience for customers and users

  • Provide your customers with a modern buying experience, with online access to their invoices, past payments and ability to pay you digitally.
  • Accounting teams using Deltek + ComputerEase can use their existing AP processes today and simply send a file rather than a physical check.

4. Increase security and visibility

  • By transforming manual, paper-based payments into a digital process, you can enhance control and visibility on all vendor payments in a single place and mitigate payment fraud risk with audit trails for all payment types.
  • With Deltek Payments for Deltek + ComputerEase, vendor payment information is secured by a third party, checked against a master vendor record, and constantly updated.


5. Offset liability

  • With Deltek Payments for Deltek + ComputerEase, once the payment file is received by your supplier, your liability is offset to a trusted vendor.

6. AP can become a profit center

  • Earn money back through rebates when paying your bills.

Deltek Payments for Deltek + ComputerEase is a modern and seamless experience for automating payments and supporting cash flow from within your Construction ERP software.

“As a CPA that provides accounting services to almost 100 Deltek + ComputerEase customers, I am very excited about Deltek Payments and its Accounts Receivables capabilities. The ability to provide a payment portal and accept digital payments will be a game changer. Being able to accept electronic payments with automatic reconciliation to the general ledger is going to help our customers get paid much faster and better manage their cash flow.”

- John Stenger, CPA, Owner, Managing Member

To learn more about Deltek Payments for Deltek + ComputerEase users and find out if it is a good fit for your business, contact us here.