Simplify Field Reports with Ajera and Deltek + ArchiSnapper

November 18, 2021
Megan Miller
Director of Product Marketing

For building projects, the work doesn’t stop when the final drawings are submitted. Architects and engineers play a critical role in the construction administration with field reports to document progress and identify challenges on the job site. But, field reports can be time consuming and tedious. It's time to eliminate duplicate work, costly delays and inconsistent project deliverables in the field so architects and engineers can quickly and efficiently move on to the next project task.

It’s Time for Deltek + ArchiSnapper and Ajera

Deltek + ArchiSnapper is the leading field app for architects and engineers and when integrated with Ajera, designers can quickly and easily create impressive field reports and complete site inspections from any mobile device. With project and client details readily available in Ajera, your teams can spend more time conducting field work instead of re-typing project names, client details or other pertinent information that is already available in Ajera.

Architects and engineers often capture site photos on digital cameras, make notes on drawings or in a notebook to capture observations and record work underway. Once they return to the office, they download the photos, type handwritten notes and struggle to create reports in Word or Excel. Not only are there costly delays between the site visit and when the report is actually sent to the client or contractor, but there can be a lot of time wasted simply trying to format the reports and organize the photos on the page. These delays and manual rework can lead to miscommunication with contractors and frustrated clients.

Your teams need an efficient way to capture field observations without wasting hours compiling details, cutting into profitability and eroding client satisfaction. Ajera and Deltek + ArchiSnapper together can help.


" Deltek+ArchiSnapper reduces the amount of time for our site observation reports by about 50%. All of the administrative and busy work we used to do is now just handled automatically with ArchiSnapper. It lets us focus on the site visit – observing the site, documenting what’s going on – instead of worrying about managing images, organizing them in the right folders and inserting them into a report.”

Dan Sigler, Business Technology Manager,
Jordan & Skala Engineers


Efficient Site Visits

Site visits require coordinating numerous photos, notes and drawings in the field so teams need a way to do it efficiently and accurately. Deltek + ArchiSnapper enables users to quickly capture photos on site and add text to record observations. Users can also annotate photos and if you upload PDF drawings, you can digitally mark up drawings to identify specific areas of note instead of marking up paper drawings and scanning them back at the office. Field teams can capture weather information and location-specific observations to accurately capture details from the visit and create clear and concise action items as needed. If you need to add more observations later, you can work in offline mode to update your notes or clarify your observations before sending the final report. And, when you return for another field report, you can clone a previous report or continue editing your previous observations.

Deltek + ArchiSnapper Field Reports

Conduct Paperless Inspections

Ensuring that a project meets an owner’s expectations requires attention to detail and meticulous record keeping, but often times, those records are detailed handwritten notes that can result in costly miscommunications to the contractor or other team members. With Deltek + ArchiSnapper, your teams can easily create punch lists, pinpoint locations, assign tasks and track progress from the inspection without shuffling stacks of paper. Simply create and assign punch list items from your mobile device with detailed observations, photos, location and other pertinent information to eliminate any confusion. Punch list reports can be created in seconds, assigned to individuals, tracked to ensure completion and signed off on for increased accountability.

If you assign an item to a contractor, the contractor can create a free ArchiSnapper account to review their assignments and provide feedback or a photo to update status to the report owner. The contractor can submit the update to the architect or engineer for review and approval to streamline communication and improve coordination.

Deltek + ArchiSnapper Punch List

Generate Impressive Reports in Seconds

Every document and drawing is a representation of your company’s brand and field reports are no exception. Now you can easily create company-branded reports in no time and send them in just one click. Start with your project details from Ajera and then take site photos, add notes and annotate drawings to create a report that is easy to understand for owners and contractors. You can send your report before you ever leave the job site to keep the project moving forward and keep your clients informed of progress, saving nearly an hour on every field report.

To simplify report creation, users can look at sample reports and punch lists and then create company-specific templates for daily reports and punch lists.

Deltek + ArchiSnapper Reports

Leverage Project Data to Simplify Field Work

You are already using Ajera to manage your projects data and client details. Now you can leverage that data to make your field reports even simpler. When you start a new field report, you can start from an existing project in Ajera and use fields like project name, project number, description and location to create more accurate, consistent deliverables. You can also send your field reports or punch lists to key contacts without wasting time looking up names and email addresses because your projects already have that information in Ajera.

By using Ajera and Deltek + ArchiSnapper together, you can simplify field reporting for your project teams with a seamless integration that saves time, delivers better field reports and improves communication with your clients and contractors. Whether you are using Ajera in the Deltek Cloud or managing your own solution, you can leverage the integration with ArchiSnapper.

You can learn more about the Ajera and ArchiSnapper integration here.

Easy to Use, Easy to Access

The ArchiSnapper field app is built specifically for architects and engineers. It is available on any Android or iOS device and can also be accessed through the web browser on any tablet or laptop.

If you have more than one person working on a field report, users can work in one field report and sync to the online account to create one report that goes to the contractor or the owner.

If you need to keep editing your report after the site visit, you can simply edit the report from the field app or from your laptop to add more detail. If you are traveling between sites or don’t have access to an internet connection, you can continue editing offline and then once you are back online, you can send the final report to your key contacts.

Deltek understands the needs of the A&E industry and understand that firms could be managing dozens or hundreds of projects at any given time so there are no limits to the number of projects you can create, reports you can generate or punch lists you can make to ensure your projects keep moving forward.

Start Your Free Trial Today!

Want to check out how easy Deltek + ArchiSnapper is? You can sign up for a free trial (no credit card required) and create your own field report.


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