Harrison Grierson Gains Better Visibility with Deltek Vantagepoint
Industry: Architecture & Engineering
Employees: 300
Products Used:
• Deltek Vantagepoint
• Deltek PIM
Deltek ERP Supports Design Consultancy’s Mission
A Future-Proof ERP Solution
Harrison Grierson is a New Zealand based design consultancy business that has been operating for over 100 years.
The company is award-winning for both its engineering prowess and its excellence in environmental and sustainability practices. The team makes sure the work it’s doing across land development and building, transport, water, utilities and the environment has a positive impact – now and in the future.
“Harrison Grierson's mission is to become the number one New Zealand urban development partner,” says Maryanne Statham, Product Owner at Harrison Grierson. “We want to build resilient communities and ensure that we're environmentally sustainable.”
Harrison Grierson’s previous resource planning application was at the end of its life – and no longer able to give the team all the functions it needed to operate effectively. The company switched to Deltek Vantagepoint to gain an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that could support the team to achieve its mission.
Visibility into Projects, Past, Present & Future
Deltek Vantagepoint has given the Harrison Grierson team more visibility into its resources and projects. “We've been able to see efficiencies in our cash flow and our utilisation, and measure and track a lot more closely,” says Maryanne. “And individual teams and disciplines can now use that information day-to-day and week-to-week to understand how they're utilised throughout the whole period.”
This extra visibility is helping the company improve its processes and project outcomes. Maryanne explains: “Having that data in one space – and captured throughout the entire project lifecycle – has given us greater visibility on what the next projects will look like and the ability to go back and learn from previous projects.”
The way Deltek offers end-to-end management of projects is also a bonus for Harrison Grierson. “It's all in one place and captures all the data you need from a lead, right through to a completed project,” Maryanne explains.
Greater Ability to Build Climate-Resilient Designs
Deltek Vantagepoint is now one of Harrison Grierson’s key tools to help project managers and contractors perform to their full ability and to give clients a better service as a result. And the company plans to build on this further in the future. Maryanne explains: “We have to be resilient in our designs and our plans, and making sure that those communities will be able to sustain in the future.”
And with the impacts of climate change becoming increasingly present in New Zealand, creating designs that are ready for the future has never been more important.
“Recent weather events will prove how resilient our designs and developments have been, and we can see it all in Deltek,” says Maryanne. “We’re making sure that when we put pen to paper and we're planning out those developments that they're going to survive the future and be the best for that community.”
Project Management That’s Continually Improving
A variety of other benefits – like flexibility and ease of use – are keenly felt across the company.
“Deltek has given us all the bells and whistles that I wanted in the past,” says Maryanne. “It's given us better usability around workflows and the ability to adapt screen design, as well as the ability to adapt the solution to work for us and how we need to work it. I'm very impressed with Deltek’s solution.”
With Deltek Vantagepoint already having such a positive impact on Harrison Grierson, it’s little surprise that Maryanne is excited to see where it goes next. “I'm excited to be on the journey with Deltek,” Maryanne explains. “It just enhances with every release and the ‘share your ideas portal’ gives us more leverage as users to reach out and get the roadmap that we want to see in the future.”
Partnering with Deltek to Create Impactful Projects
Project Data in One Place
Having project data – from lead to completion – all in one place provides the insight needed to maximise project results.
Greater Visibility
More visibility into the entire project lifecycle; opportunities to learn from past projects and increase performance.
Greater Efficiencies
Ease of use, automated processes and better resource utilisation.
"Having that data in one space – and captured throughout the entire project lifecycle – has given us greater visibility on what the next projects will look like or how to go back and learn from the previous projects."