Vision Quarterly Town Hall Recap: Tips for AP Invoice Approval Workflows, How to Share Your Ideas and More

August 05, 2022
Megan Miller
Director of Product Marketing

The Quarterly Town Halls are part of Deltek’s ongoing commitment to keep users updated on the latest releases of their solutions and what’s happening with Deltek. During the Q2 2022 Town Hall for Deltek Vision, users heard tips for how to leverage the AP invoice approval workflows, how to submit ideas for product improvement, new resources to support their upgrade to Deltek Vantagepoint and more. If you missed this town hall, you can watch it on demand.

Streamline the AP Invoice Approval Process

Chad Livingston, director of delivery, discussed how businesses can configure and initiate the accounts payable (AP) invoice approval workflows to streamline and automate this process within Vision. To learn step-by-step instructions, watch this town hall.

Deltek Idea Portal: A New Way to Provide Product Feedback

Senior Director of Product Management Melissa Coffey highlights the brand new Deltek Idea Portal, a customer-centric online tool where customers can share ideas directly with the product team, discuss ideas with peers and vote on other ideas. The Idea Portal provides a platform to help facilitate the direction of your Deltek solution to power your project-based business. In its first month of release, the product team has received hundreds of enhancement ideas and feedback from customers. To learn more, watch this webinar.

Resources Available for Your Upgrade Journey to Vantagepoint

As your business plans for its upgrade to Deltek Vantagepoint, there are a variety of resources and opportunities to get your questions answered. The new Vantagepoint Upgrade Resources site is a single location to help you get the information you need to prepare for your upgrade. You will find details around what’s new in the Vantagepoint release, how to access to the Vantagepoint readiness portal, details about the Customer Assistance Program (CAP), upcoming upgrade dates and much more.

Finally, this year’s Deltek ProjectCon, formerly known as Deltek Insight, will take place in Nashville, Tennessee in November 2022. Included within the Vantagepoint product track is a series of sessions dedicated to empowering Vision customers in their upgrade to Vantagepoint. Hear from the experts, as well as past Vision customers who have benefitted from their upgrade to Vantagepoint. Registration is now open!


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November 15-18, 2022

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What’s New in Deltek Vantagepoint

As users continue to prepare for their upgrade to Vantagepoint, Melissa also highlights exciting features included in the latest release of Vantagepoint. From deeper analytics in project plans and more robust filters for assigning the right resources to automated financial management and simpler business development, Vantagepoint offers even more to make your everyday job easier. To learn more, watch this webinar.

Introducing Deltek Launch Care for Vantagepoint Upgrades

Amanda de Jong, senior manager of consulting, reviews Deltek’s new Launch Care program to help Vision users upgrade to Vantagepoint. The Launch Care program for Vision to Vantagepoint upgrades will help companies define a project plan, facilitate coordination and testing, perform the upgrade and provide go-live support. Additionally, the Launch Care team will stay engaged for six months post-upgrade to provide dedicated support. If you are upgrading to Deltek Vantagepoint and are looking for a little extra assistance, don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about this new offering. For more information, watch this webinar.

Enhancements to Customer Care Support

Gary Smith, vice president of customer care, highlights the many Customer Care teammates available on the support team to more efficiently respond to your submitted cases, now open for business 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. To reach to this team, you can initiate a conversation in the Need Additional Assistance widget available within the Deltek Support Center or by emailing [email protected].

Gary also discussed forthcoming changes within the Deltek Support Center to provide visibility into your submitted cases, as well as the increased number of annual support cases to 30 cases for our Standard Care Plan customers to help troubleshoot problems and provide you with quick resolutions. As a reminder, there are hundreds of Knowledge Base (KB) articles available in the Deltek Support Center. To learn more, watch this town hall.

Deltek Learning Zone Update

Principal Curriculum Manager Damon Shratter reviewed recent updates available in the Deltek Learning Zone (DLZ). These enhancements include efforts to minimize the steps required to view training courses, new widgets on the main dashboard that help users stay on track with their enrolled courses and new learning paths to help users get the most out of Deltek Vision. Additionally, the DLZ team has created 40 virtual live classes available to Enhanced Tier DLZ subscribers to empower your teams to dive deep into Vision’s features. Watch this town hall to learn more.


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