Get More out of Your Enterprise ERP with Deltek Maconomy Coffee Breaks

July 05, 2023
Get More out of Your Enterprise ERP with Coffee Breaks

Deltek Maconomy is a modern and intuitive software that delivers the business agility, transparency, and control you need to run your business and meet your needs both today and into the future. As a product user you may wonder if there are more efficient ways to accomplish certain tasks or how you can be maximizing the value of your solution. If that has ever crossed your mind, then our Maconomy Coffee Break webinar series is here to help. There’s no better way to learn valuable Maconomy tips and tricks than hearing directly from product experts.

Take a break from your day, grab a cup of coffee and join us for our Maconomy Coffee Break webinar series. On a regular basis, one of our Maconomy subject matter experts will give a 15-30-minute deep dive into a particular topic or feature of the product, and then we’ll open the floor for questions and comments from other users like yourself.

As customers prepare for the exciting release of Maconomy 3.0 in 2024, our summer series is the perfect way to learn more about the Web Client and the benefits of migrating processes from the Workspace Client. In a series of 3 webinars, Maconomy expert Kristoffer Mahrt shows customers how the modern Web Client is simpler and more intuitive than the Workspace Client, and how it can make life easier for both novice and advanced end users.


Maconomy Coffee Break Webinar Series

Adopting the Maconomy Web Client

Register to Attend


The 2022 series drew tremendous engagement on topics such as what Cloud customers can do to prepare for the upgrade process and what Maconomy Essentials (DFME) customers can do to prepare for upcoming upgrades. If you are unfamiliar with the upgrade process, or haven't seen the various resources available on the Maconomy Cloud Solutions page in the Support Center, these would be great webinars for you to watch on-demand.


DFME: Upgrade Preparation

Adopting the Maconomy Web Client

Watch On-Demand


Coffee Breaks are open to one and all, so feel free to invite your peers and colleagues. Can’t make it to the live webinar due to a conflict? No problem. Webinar recordings are available to watch on-demand so you can view them at your own leisure or share them with anyone who might benefit from learning more about Maconomy best practices and other useful insights.